Sunday Delivery

Every Wednesday, I post weekly specials on social media! These specials are merely features and suggestions for orders. I try to keep special items seasonal, healthy, and fun. There is typically a breakfast option, soup or salad, and a lunch or dinner dish that can be ordered individually or family style.

Keep in mind that you can still order any sort of meal prep you’d like. For personalized meal prep I would prefer orders to be in by 2-3 pm on Fridays for Sunday fulfillment, same as specials. If Sunday doesn’t work for you please let me know and I’m happy to make other arrangements! My goal is to always remain flexible enough to meet your wants and needs as your personal chef.

to order weekly specials:

  1. Venmo @melonmeals with a description of the special item(s) you’d like to order. Prices are listed on Instagram or Facebook with the weekly specials post.

  2. Be sure to list any allergies or modifications.

  3. Please also DM or email me with a way to get into contact with you to discuss details like pick up or delivery.

  4. Orders for this week’s special will be fulfilled on Sunday unless otherwise arranged. Please be sure to place your order by Friday afternoon!

I must add that this is a local offer. Coeur d’Alene, Post Falls, Hayden, Liberty Lake, Spokane exclusively; unless you are willing to travel to the area (lol). If you’re in Spokane I am willing to meet in Liberty Lake as far as pick up/delivery goes.

A proper ordering system will come with time, but until then, I’d like to stay busy cooking for you all!

All my love,

  • Linda Abby